Category: Frame

Fender Project complete!
It’s been nearly two months’ worth of weekend work, but the whole ordeal with replacing the repro fender with the repaired original GPW fender is complete, including having to deal with a total realignment of the body tub! This update includes a recent update on the Jeep restoration as a whole, and getting an original push/pull switch tag!

Transmission goes back in the Jeep!
It’s been a month since the transmission and transfer case project started and it’s all lead up to this! It finally goes back in the Jeep. After a full tutorial on how to put it back in, I fill it with oil, reattach the driveshafts, and take it for a spin! How does it turn out? Well, you’ll have to read this update to see!

Small projects, custom F Stamps, Hood work, and completing the rear axle!
This past week was a flurry of work on the Jeep in prep for the Veterans Day military vehicle and car show in Old Town Tustin, CA. That meant finishing some smaller projects that I’d been meaning to get around to (mostly cosmetic things). Some photos from the Veterans Day event and the 9 other Jeeps that showed up included. I continued work on the GPW hood and had a major setback. And I FINALLY finished the rear GPW axle! Work then began on the Front axle
Continue reading “Small projects, custom F Stamps, Hood work, and completing the rear axle!”

Body Tub Test Mounted!
Work continues at as fast of a pace as possible trying to get the Jeep ready by July 27th! Lots of new holes drilled, items test fitted, and a LOT more! This is a big update!

Body Tub ALMOST done!
Another busy week working on the Jeep every morning and evening (plus weekends). Not quite as fast of a pace as I was hoping, but still getting lots of progress. Going back and forth between working on the engine, painting various things, and drilling holes in the new body tub..

Repro Tub is here!
As mentioned in the previous quick update, the new MD Juan reproduction tub kit has arrived! With it comes some interesting discoveries, some good news, and some bad news. Plus, it brings a few headaches. This update I’ll compare the new repro tub with the original GPW tub and contrast the challenges I have ahead! Plus some other small projects I’ve done over the past week!

Back on wheels again and the crate is here!
Some big updates since last week… the Jeep is back on wheels again! More painting was done during one day of dry (but windy) weather, and the biggest update… the reproduction body tub kit has arrived!
Continue reading “Back on wheels again and the crate is here!”

Painting and Grill Work
Finally was able to get some more painting in, mainly due to setting up a paint booth because I was so fed up with the wind! Progress is coming along, as most things get painted the closer I get to putting them back on the Jeep!

Painting and metal work
Not as much done this week as I was hoping, but still, little victories here and there getting closer and closer. Waiting on calm wind so I can really hit the painting now that I have another gallon of OD Green paint. Also, hope to order the reproduction body tub in the next day or two.