Happy 80th Birthday to the Jeep!
Another major milestone was reached as the Jeep turns 80 years old, following just 20 days after the D-Day 80th anniversary!
Tag: ford jeep
Another major milestone was reached as the Jeep turns 80 years old, following just 20 days after the D-Day 80th anniversary!
It’s been a while since the last update, and it’s time for a long overdue BIG one! This update covers two of the largest updates for the Jeep in 2024… the Wings, Tracks, and Wheels event at the Planes of Fame Air Museum in May, and a whole bunch of issues with the Jeep that I had to overcome! This update is so large in fact, that due to Facebook’s limit on photos per post, this will be a two-part update.
Happy Halloween!
I hope everyone had a great Halloween! While there hasn’t been anything to update with the Jeep lately, I was able to pull it out and set it up for Halloween yesterday guarding my neighbor’s crashed UFO. The unfortunate Civil Defense soldier manning the crash sight seems to have gotten on the bad side of the aliens. The Ammo Crate Radio on the hood was pumping out classic 1950s Sci-Fi movie themes during the evening. Even the new 1940 Ford Deluxe project got in on the Halloween spirit with another unfortunate victim of the aliens! Continue reading “Happy Halloween 2023!”
Another long gap between updates, but this is a big one and also explains the long gaps between these overheating parts! This update includes custom radiator rubber tubes, fixing the thermostat elbow corrosion, some neat GPW finds, another fire extinguisher, and taking on a huge project!
In this week’s update, I took the Jeep out to an event I helped put on at the Planes of Fame Air Museum which had TEN Jeeps! After a recap of the entire event, I show a new idea for safety in night-time driving. Finally, for those in California, I discuss license plates from 1940-1945 and how they changed each year.
Continue reading “Planes of Fame Event, Night Stop Light, & 1940s California License Plates”
In this week’s update, I took the Jeep out to The Grand Encampment held last weekend at Flabob Airport to have on display with good company of other jeeps, aircraft, and a tank! I also started work on the restoration of the early fire extinguisher including a really nice polishing, and some updates on various projects!
Continue reading “Grand Encampment Event, Fire Extinguisher Polishing, & updates!”