The original GPW Passenger Fender

The original GPW Passenger FenderFender Work Begins, Jeep History, and more!

Now that the holidays have passed, I have been able to get a start on my next big project which is repairing the original passenger fender! This is part one of what will be several parts during the repair and install. I also found some new history on my Jeep! Plus I started a new side project!

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4x4 Ride on Jeep redone in WW2 Jeep colors!

4x4 Ride on Jeep redone in WW2 Jeep colors!4×4 Jeep for Christmas, Ignition Switch, and Jeep Toys!

A bit of a different update for these past few weeks… First, a special project for Christmas as I redo a 4×4 ‘Jeep’ ride-on vehicle for my nephew, then finishing the ignition switch knob project! And a recap of some Jeep-related items I got for Christmas.

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GPW #208102 with a Japanese A6M5 Zero

GPW #208102 with a Japanese A6M5 ZeroDecember 7th event, Ammo Crate Radio upgrades, Ignition Switch, etc!

I took the Jeep out to a Pearl Harbor event at the Planes of Fame Air Museum, where I tried a new amp board for my Ammo Crate radio and added some new upgrades. I took a NOS ignition switch for a special project, some new accessories for the Jeep, and more!

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GPW Jeep Nose Art Pinup Girl 'Picture Perfect'

GPW Jeep Nose Art Pinup Girl 'Picture Perfect'ax Bracket, new Pinup, and more Flea Market Finds

A small update on what’s been going on during this otherwise quiet month of November! I finished the ax bracket project I started in the last update, got a new flea market find, changed out my pinup artwork on the Jeep, took a look at my fender that needs some welding, and more!

Continue reading “Ax Bracket, new Pinup, and more Flea Market Finds”

1944 GPW Jeep with Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress 'Sentimental Journey'

1944 GPW Jeep with Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress 'Sentimental Journey'WW2 Bombers, MD Juan Grill Display, and Flea Market finds

It’s been a while since the last full update, so here’s a special one with what all has happened in the last month! First, the Jeep got to meet two incredible World War 2 bombers including a B-29 Superfortress and a B-17 Flying Fortress! Lots of photos with both the aircraft. Then, I finished the MD Juan grill display that I had worked on in August which is now hanging in my garage. Finally, various flea market finds including tools and how to identify correct Schrader screw type tire valve caps.

Continue reading “WW2 Bombers, Repro Grill Display, & Flea Market finds”

1944 GPW #208102 Jeep

1944 GPW #208102 JeepPhotoshoot, Russian ‘Jeep Clone’, and Jerry Can Nozzle!

Another slower week since there wasn’t a lot to do on the Jeep work wise, but with a day of cooler cloudy weather, I was able to take the Jeep out to a new location and do a photoshoot in several spots with some great results! Also, I chronicle, through photos, a Russian ‘clone’ of the Jeep… a GAZ-67 located at the Planes of Fame Air Museum. Finally, I begin work on a very rusty Jerry Can nozzle.

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Test fitting the GPW Grill onto the GPW frame

Test fitting the GPW Grill onto the GPW frameLots and lots of work!

This past week has been day and night working on the Jeep. Any time not eating food or working has been spent working! So much to do, so little time… but some great progress! It’s been a lot of work for sure. The Grill is finished, and lots more parts are painted. I’ve also started to amass all the various bolts/screws/nuts/washers/etc I need for mounting everything on the Jeep.

Continue reading “Lots and lots of work!”