GPW #208102 with a Japanese A6M5 Zero

GPW #208102 with a Japanese A6M5 ZeroDecember 7th event, Ammo Crate Radio upgrades, Ignition Switch, etc!

I took the Jeep out to a Pearl Harbor event at the Planes of Fame Air Museum, where I tried a new amp board for my Ammo Crate radio and added some new upgrades. I took a NOS ignition switch for a special project, some new accessories for the Jeep, and more!

Continue reading “December 7th event, Ammo Crate Radio, & Ignition Switch!”

Ammo Crate Radio

Ammo Crate RadioAmmo Crate Radio , Display Sign, & Flea Market!

Taking a break from the axle clackity issue this week, I focused on some fun side projects for the Jeep when it’s on display at future events. First, I had an idea for a custom-made Ammo Crate radio that looks like a WW2 soldier field mod! I go through the entire idea to finish product. I also finished my custom-made ammo can Jeep display sign. I also got some fun Jeep items from a local flea market over the weekend!

Continue reading “Ammo Crate Radio, GPW Display Sign, & Flea Market Finds!”