Radioactive Firestone F-40 Spark Plugs

Radioactive Firestone F-40 Spark PlugsMore fake Rivets, radioactive spark plugs, and a GPW project

This was a bit of a slower week with only some smaller projects. After last week’s success with the fake rivets on the passenger seat, I decided to tackle the rear seat in the same way with even better results. I also found some correct ‘radioactive’ spark plugs for the Jeep! Finally, I tackle a project that asks, what if Ford was producing GPW Jeeps during a pandemic?

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GPW #208102 at the Golf Course!

GPW #208102 at the Golf Course!Fake rivets, Fire Extinguisher, and more F stamps!

This week had some fun smaller projects on the Jeep such as adding ‘fake rivets’ to the passenger seat swivel bracket, moving the custom starter switch so I could mount the Fire Extinguisher in the bracket, and getting my safety strap large bolts F stamped! Plus some different looks at the Jeep.

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Repro, Wartime, and Post-War Carbureter

Repro, Wartime, and Post-War CarbureterRing & Pinions, Jerry Cans, Carburetor, Eye Bolts and more!

Quite the busy week with lots of busy work on the Jeep! After two days of soaking in fuel, the NOS Ring and Pinion are clean! I continued work on the fire extinguisher decal, and finished the 1943 Jerry can! I replaced the safety strap eye bolts with correct F ones, and replaced the borrowed carburetor with a new one!

Continue reading “Ring & Pinions, Jerry Cans, Carburetor, Eye Bolts and more!”

NOS GPW Ring and Pinion Set

NOS GPW Ring and Pinion SetRing & Pinion journey, Fire Extinguisher Decal, looking for more history, etc!

This week I finally saw the light of the end of the tunnel trying to acquire a ring and pinion set… which revealed a great surprise! I then attempted to find some more history on my Jeep via the body tub, more work on the Fire Extinguisher decal, and finally finding a wartime jerry can for the Jeep!

Continue reading “Ring & Pinion journey, Fire Extinguisher Decal, and more history!”

Post-War SOS Fire Guard Fire Extinguisher

Post-War SOS Fire Guard Fire ExtinguisherFire Extinguishers, more Combat Rims, etc.

After last week’s big Combat Rim installation tutorial, this week went by a lot slower. I completed the rest of the combat rims (and I have a few extra notes to mention about them), worked on a post-war Fire Extinguisher, continued the ongoing chronicles of the GPW axles restoration, some ‘artsy’ shots of the Jeep, and more.

Continue reading “Fire Extinguishers, more Combat Rims, etc.”

Combat Rim on the rear Spare Tire

Combat Rim on the rear Spare TireCOMBAT RIMS & TIRES!

This week’s update is an exciting one… COMBAT RIMS! I finally have a complete set of Combat Rims to replace the CJ rims on my Jeep, along with the correct Firestone tires! In this update I’ll take you through the entire prepping, painting, and installing Combat Rims on tires! I also added a spare tire lock for the spare tire!

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GPW #208102 with a F4U Corsair

GPW #208102 with a F4U CorsairCorsair, Voltage Regulator, Tires, and another Jeep!

This week saw quite a bit of Jeep related things… I took the Jeep out to the Air Museum and got some shots with a Corsair, I continued research on the Firestone Tires, finally stamped my Voltage Regulator, and helped to save a friend’s Jeep from rusting worse!

Continue reading “Corsair, Voltage Regulator, Tires, and another Jeep!”

Coker Firestone 600-16 NDT Tires

Coker Firestone 600-16 NDT TiresFire extinguisher, new wheels, F Bolts, and more!

This week an uptick with work on the Jeep! From getting a fire extinguisher bracket to four new firestone military tires for the Jeep! Also some more axle work was done (and some good news), replaced some more non-wartime bolts with F bolts, and more work testing out Voltage Regulator inspector stamps!

Continue reading “Fire extinguisher, new wheels, F Bolts, and more!”

1944 GPW #208102 Jeep

1944 GPW #208102 JeepThe week nothing happened…

This week’s update is going to be a bit small, mostly because I had nothing I could do this week to the Jeep but drive it! With the axles on hold till I get a Ring and Pinion, tires and combat rims on order awaiting arrival, and most small projects done, this week I decided to do another ‘state of the Jeep’ and showcase what’s left to do.

Continue reading “The week nothing happened…”

GPW Hand Crank for G503 Jeep

GPW Hand Crank for G503 JeepMore F Stamps, Hand Crank, Windshield Latch, etc!

This week saw a lot of little projects including changing more things to F stamps, FINALLY getting a Ford Hand Crank, Flea Market finds, adding my original windshield latch, and more!

Continue reading “More F Stamps, Hand Crank, Windshield Latch, etc!”