NOS GPW Ring and Pinion Set

NOS GPW Ring and Pinion SetRing & Pinion journey, Fire Extinguisher Decal, looking for more history, etc!

This week I finally saw the light of the end of the tunnel trying to acquire a ring and pinion set… which revealed a great surprise! I then attempted to find some more history on my Jeep via the body tub, more work on the Fire Extinguisher decal, and finally finding a wartime jerry can for the Jeep!

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Jeep Hood Marking Stencils

Jeep Hood Marking StencilsMarkings are finished!

As the New Year quickly sped past, the Jeep as entered what I’d call the final phase for the restoration and it so close to being ‘done’ that it shouldn’t be much longer now with the small projects left. This week I was able to work quite a bit on the Jeep, with the last markings being put on, continuing work on the GPW axles, and starting work on adding the trailer socket shield.

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Original GPW Rear Axle

Original GPW Rear AxleAxles, Mirrors, Jerry Cans, oh my!

Work continues on the axles, which I got last week… revealing some bad news in a startling discovery. But, on the bright side of things, a few other projects that have been needing work are done!

Continue reading “Axles, Mirrors, Jerry Cans, oh my!”