T-84 Transmission Rebuild


Finally, starting the other half of the transmission/transfer case restoration and rebuilds with the T-84 complete rebuild! From an empty case to a nearly ready to install transmission, the entire process is documented. Once you get the hand of how it all fits together, it’s actually quite simple! After the build, I also attach the crossmember support bracket. Finally, a new SOS Fire Guard decal for my Fire Extinguisher!

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T-84 Transmission and D-18 Transfer Case

T-84 Transmission and D-18 Transfer CaseTransmission Project Continues…

After last week’s successful dismantling of the transfer case, this week I work on cleaning/painting the case to a nice OD Green! I also replaced some bushings in the T-84 transmission gears and realized some issues with another gear. Also, in this update, I show how the T-84 works in first, second, third, and reverse. Lastly, I finally found a war-time jerry can nozzle and show the differences between wartime and post-war nozzles!

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D-18 Transfer Case Disassembled

D-18 Transfer Case DisassembledGears, Gears, and more Gears!

After a successful removal of the transmission last week and then the successful disassembly of the T-84 Transmission, this week I turned my sights to the transfer case! As with last week’s tutorial on the disassembly, this week also has a full tutorial on how to take apart a D-18 transfer case, which appears to be ALL original and never taken apart! I also work on priming and painting the T-84 and various other items in prep for the rebuild!

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T-84 Transmission and D-18 Transfer Case

T-84 Transmission and D-18 Transfer CaseTransmission’s the name!

After unsuccessfully solving the clackity sound the last two weeks, it was time to dive into the last unexplored frontier on my Jeep… the transmission! This is the ONLY thing not completely restored. So, this week I started prep work to remove the transmission and transfer case from the Jeep. I show how to safely remove it while the body tub is on, separate the transmission box from the transfer case, and how to completely disassemble the transfer case! This is the start of another very big multi-week project!

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Invasion Star on the Hood

Invasion Star on the HoodA new Star, more axle work, and engine item upgrades!

At long last, the hood is finished! This is PART 2 of adding the stencil markings to the hood with a brand new star with a big unveiling of the finished Jeep with new markings and axles! After that, I start work on trying to figure out what the clackity sound is coming from the rear of the Jeep by re-opening up the rear axle and diving into the carrier. This includes replacing the spider gears, side gears, and more. I also remove the pinion and check everything out before putting it all back together. Finally, I re-add the heat shield for the master cylinder and work on enhancing the engine with some new items.

Continue reading “A new Star, more axle work, and engine item upgrades!”

1944 GPW #208102 Jeep

1944 GPW #208102 JeepThe big moment… the first drive with new axles!

After weeks of work on replacing the post-war CJ axles with wartime GPW axles (that took over a year to completely restore), it’s the big moment as I take the Jeep for the first drive! But, not all is good as I hoped. In this update, I also replace the last front spring leaf plate that bent, and read the drive shafts after the restoration! Also, PART 1 of putting markings on the hood, and some other minor fixes to the Jeep!

Continue reading “The big moment: The first drive with new axles!”

Bleeding the GPW Brakes

Bleeding the GPW BrakesDrag Links, Wheel Alignment, Brake Bleeding…

Work continues at a rapid pace with the GPW axles! With the CJ axles GONE, the wartime restored GPW axles are going in. This update is packed with things from the installation of the GPW drag link, adjusting the steering, finding a solution to the bending spring leaf plates, setting the wheel alignment and toe-in (with a diagram!), and finally… bleeding the brakes!

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New axles on the GPW

New axles on the GPWNew Year, New Axles!

Kicking off the New Year, things are in high gear as I continue work on replacing the CJ axles with the wartime GPW axles I’ve restored over the last year. This week I focused on reinstalling the front axle, starting off with adding the combat rims/tires, reinstalling the springs, adding the Torque Reaction Spring, and reinstalling the shocks! I also took some extra time to take plain head bolts on the fenders and turn them into F stamped bolts!

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GPW Jeep Springs

GPW Jeep SpringsChristmas time for the Jeep!

This past week (and a few days) have been filled with Jeep work any second it wasn’t a holiday! I continued work on the front springs, shocks, and propeller shaft in prep for installing the front axle! Most of this week was cleaning/wire wheeling things and discovering what all I had on the Jeep. I also continued my ‘custom F stamps’ for bolts. Lots of work!

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