GPW Jeep Cooling System Radiator Rubber Tubes

GPW Jeep Cooling System Radiator Rubber TubesTackling the overheating Jeep – Part 3

Another long gap between updates, but this is a big one and also explains the long gaps between these overheating parts! This update includes custom radiator rubber tubes, fixing the thermostat elbow corrosion, some neat GPW finds, another fire extinguisher, and taking on a huge project!

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Brand new Radiator for GPW Jeep #208102!

Brand new Radiator for GPW Jeep #208102!Tackling the overheating Jeep – Part 2

It’s been a few weeks, but a lot has happened over that time! Here I continue the quest to fix the overheating engine with a special surprise help from a friend. Follow along as I continue to troubleshoot this ongoing issue!

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Gunked up L134 Coolant System

Gunked up L134 Coolant SystemFlushing the Coolant System Part 1, TRS Shackles, and more!

This week’s update features Part 1 of a complete flush of the coolant system only the Jeep, which is quite the process. I also do some more GPW axle work, continue restoring the Torque Reaction Spring items focusing on the shackles removing the bushings and figuring out what to replace them with. Also some other various projects and starting a new Coca Cola project!

Continue reading “Flushing the Coolant System Part 1, TRS Shackles, and more!”

INLET Stencil on my Oil Filter

INLET Stencil on my Oil FilterNew fuel lines, leaks, custom stencils for my First Aid Kit, and Oil Filter stamps!

This week was half frustrating, half fun! But it was expensive… After last week’s fuel leak, I got a set of new fuel lines and had to chase yet another leak. Then I started work on custom stencils for my first aid kit which came out awesome, and stencils to do stamping on the GPW oil filter. I also continue work on restorting various items and get some new canvas items for the Jeep!

Continue reading “New fuel lines, custom First Aid Kit stencils, & Oil Filter stamps!”