GPW #208102 Jeep at the Planes of Fame Air Museum

GPW #208102 Jeep at the Planes of Fame Air MuseumPreventative Maintenance: Part 2 and more

Here’s part 2 of preventative maintenance on a Jeep including checking fluid levels and common areas to check elsewhere on the Jeep. Also, a quick replacement of the Axe clamp turns into a huge project. Finally, a look at a recent Air Museum event, a special license plate project, and more!

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GPW #208102's engine during an oil change and oil pan cleaning.

GPW #208102's engine during an oil change and oil pan cleaning.Preventative Maintenance: Part 1

One thing often overlooked by Jeep owners is maintenance on their Jeeps! Here’s part 1 of preventative maintenance on a Jeep including greasing up the various spots on a Jeep and changing oil!

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Building a night brake light for a World War 2 Jeep

Building a night brake light for a World War 2 JeepA solution to night driving in a WW2 Jeep – Part 2

Continuing the update from last week as I finish the trailer plug stop brake light! I finally finish the project… mostly, with one hiccup! Then, I acquired an actual WW2 Jeep jack (finally!) at a flea market, so I get to work restoring it and comparing it to a post-war jack.

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WW2 Jeeps lined up at the Planes of Fame Air Museum - June 18, 2022

WW2 Jeeps lined up at the Planes of Fame Air Museum - June 18, 2022Planes of Fame Event, Night Stop Light, & 1940s California License Plates

In this week’s update, I took the Jeep out to an event I helped put on at the Planes of Fame Air Museum which had TEN Jeeps! After a recap of the entire event, I show a new idea for safety in night-time driving. Finally, for those in California, I discuss license plates from 1940-1945 and how they changed each year.

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GPW #208102 with B-25 MitchellWarbirds, EBrake, and new License Plate!

This past week the Jeep went on another adventure, this time to Chino Airport to have some photos taken with warbirds and around Cal Aero Field. Also, I continued work on the restoration of the Emergency Brake for the Jeep and finally got in my custom license plate!

Continue reading “Warbirds, EBrake, and new License Plate!”