GPW Brake Plates

GPW Brake PlatesQuarantine work!

This week was one of the busiest weeks I’ve had in a long time during this restoration, mostly because of the current stay-at-home quarantine. The e-brake project was mostly finished, I sandblasted and finished all four brake assemblies for the new axles, and wire wheeled other items!

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GPW External Emergency Brake

GPW External Emergency BrakeE-Brake and Axle restoration continues!

This week was a bit slow, but lots of little things done including the continued restoration of the original e-brake system, lots of sandblasting, and painting/putting back together the very first part of the wartime axles!

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GPW #208102 with B-25 MitchellWarbirds, EBrake, and new License Plate!

This past week the Jeep went on another adventure, this time to Chino Airport to have some photos taken with warbirds and around Cal Aero Field. Also, I continued work on the restoration of the Emergency Brake for the Jeep and finally got in my custom license plate!

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GPW Rear Axle

GPW Rear AxleMore axle work

After last week’s excitement, this week was much more calm. This week I continued to clean/disassemble the wartime GPW axles and sandblast various parts documenting F stamps along the way. I also started to restore parts of the emergency brake and checked the PCV valve for carbon/fuel buildup.

Continue reading “More axle work”