GPW #208102 Jeep

GPW #208102 JeepMore Axle work and a look at what’s left

This week was a bit slow again, and I only got to work on the rear axle disassembling it more checking it out. I discover several Ford F marks, and see what condition the brakes are in. At the end of the post after some shots of the Jeep while out driving, I break down what’s left to do on the Jeep till I can say I’m pretty much ‘done’. While the overall restoration is finished, there’s still plenty left to do!

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Jeep Hood Marking Stencils

Jeep Hood Marking StencilsMarkings are finished!

As the New Year quickly sped past, the Jeep as entered what I’d call the final phase for the restoration and it so close to being ‘done’ that it shouldn’t be much longer now with the small projects left. This week I was able to work quite a bit on the Jeep, with the last markings being put on, continuing work on the GPW axles, and starting work on adding the trailer socket shield.

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Original GPW Rear Axle

Original GPW Rear AxleAxles, Mirrors, Jerry Cans, oh my!

Work continues on the axles, which I got last week… revealing some bad news in a startling discovery. But, on the bright side of things, a few other projects that have been needing work are done!

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GPW #208102 Jeep

GPW #208102 JeepDriving the Jeep!

Work has slowed on the Jeep since it’s almost done! The next few updates will be small, since there’s only minimal things left to do on the Jeep. But the awesome news is that I’ve driven the Jeep a full mile and a half now!

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Wartime Original Carter WO CarburetorEngine Problems Solved!

Work continued this past week to solve the engine issues, and the issue was mostly found! Still some tune-ups needed, but things are progressing. On Sunday, an attempt to drive the Jeep for the first time was made, only for another issue to arise causing another delay.

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GPW Headlights

GPW HeadlightsHeadlight Restoration Begins…

Every night I’ve been taking on a new project and continue working on it once previous projects hit a pause (like waiting for a weekend to use loud power tools). I started the process of removing the headlights from the Jeep including undoing all of the wiring (in prep for the new wiring harness). It wasn’t too complicated of a process, though I had to un-solder the wiring to the headlights internally. After some sandblasting and then some red oxide primer, they are ready for OD Green paint!

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