One of the many original German guns still in bunkers along the Normandy Coast

One of the many original German guns still in bunkers along the Normandy CoastD-DAY 80th | NORMANDY 2024 – Part 5

Omaha, Sword, Juno, & Gold Beach
The next part of my 80th Anniversary of D-Day adventures in Normandy! This update covers June 7th as I make my way through the rest of the beaches (having spent the 6th on Utah). From Omaha to Sword, then to Juno, and finally to Gold Beach.

Continue reading “D-DAY 80th | NORMANDY 2024 – Part 5 – Omaha, Sword, Juno, & Gold Beach”

The only functional Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf. B (Tiger II) in the world!

The only functional Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf. B (Tiger II)  in the world!D-DAY 80th | NORMANDY 2024 – Part 4

June 6th – Normandy Victory Museum & Carentan
Tthe next part of my 80th Anniversary of D-Day adventures in Normandy! This update covers the second half of the June 6, 2024 80th Anniversary. It includes a visit to the Normandy Victory Museum where there was a working TIGER II tank! Then a quick visit to Carentan to check out what festivities were happening, and finally back to Bayeux.

Continue reading “D-DAY 80th | NORMANDY 2024 – Part 4 – June 6th – Normandy Victory Museum & Carentan”

People and vehicles on Utah Beach - The Morning of June 6th, 2024

People and vehicles on Utah Beach - The Morning of June 6th, 2024D-DAY 80th | NORMANDY 2024 – Part 3

June 6th – Utah Beach and Sainte Marie Du Mont
The next part of my 80th Anniversary of D-Day adventures in Normandy! This update covers the first half of the actual 80th anniversary on June 6th with the morning celebrations at Utah Beach. Then a trip over to Sainte Marie Du Mont to check out another large vehicle and reenactor encampment.

Continue reading “D-DAY 80th | NORMANDY 2024 – Part 3 – June 6th – Utah Beach and Sainte Marie Du Mont”

D-Day 80th - A row of Sherman Tanks (and a single M7 Priest) at Camp Geronimo at Sainte-Mère-Eglise

D-Day 80th - A row of Sherman Tanks (and a single M7 Priest) at Camp Geronimo at Sainte-Mère-EgliseD-DAY 80th | NORMANDY 2024 – Part 2

Overlord Museum, Sainte-Mère-Eglise, & Camp Geronimo
The next part of my 80th Anniversary of D-Day adventures in Normandy! Picking up where the last update left off, we jump back into the Overlord Museum. These posts are going to be filled with lots of images and captions, so click through the photos to read the story! I plan for several weeks of these updates, so keep checking back for more.

Continue reading “D-DAY 80th | NORMANDY 2024 – Part 2 – Overlord Museum & Sainte-Mère-Eglise”

A British M4A4 Firefly at the Overlord Museum

A British M4A4 Firefly at the Overlord MuseumD-DAY 80th | NORMANDY 2024 – Part 1

Disneyland Paris, Normandy Arrival, & Overlord Museum
I’m kicking off my multi-part series of blog updates about my adventures in Normandy, France, two weeks ago during the 80th Anniversary of D-Day! These posts are going to be filled with lots of images and captions, so click through the photos to read the story! I plan for several weeks of these updates, so keep checking back for more.

Continue reading “D-DAY 80th | NORMANDY 2024 – Part 1 – Disneyland Paris, Bayeux, & Overlord Museum”